The 5-step SEO Strategy that Transformed a $440K Website into a $752K Asset!

With the right investment operator, remarkable growth is possible, just like our recent success in the Outdoors niche
Mohit Tater
March 22, 2024
min read

Investing in digital assets  may seem daunting for many! You are essentially buying an asset in the hopes of long term dividends but don’t know much about how to operate and grow it.

But it doesn’t have to be the case! With the right Investment operator, you can reap the rewards of your investment along with a steep growth trajectory just like we did for this client!

In this case study, we are going to discuss how we acquired an affiliate website in the Outdoors niche at a valuation of $440K and grew it to a valuation of $752K, representing a 70% increase. 

Best part is that we manage to do this within a 10 month time frame! 

This was done through a combination of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and content marketing!

Before we dig deeper into the strategies used, here is a quick overview of the project:

Before Acquisition:

144,000 visitors per month
$13.6K in revenue over the last 10 months

After Acquisition:

210,000 visitors in January 2023, a 45% increase from time of acquisition
$22K in revenue on average in the last 10 months -  61.8% increase from initial revenue figures.

Now that we have the numbers out of the way, let’s get into how we did it!

Content Explosion

One of the first steps we take after acquiring a website is to implement a thorough keyword research process with the goal to establish topical authority in the niche.

This particular site being in the Outdoor niche had a lot of untapped potential that we were able to discover through our unique keyword research strategy. To be an authority in the niche, it’s important to cover the majority of the topics of the niche. 

However, at the same time it’s important to do competitive analysis on the keywords to identify which ones should be done first and which ones are too competitive and can be skipped.

So, through our diligent keyword research and silo creation process, we were able to identify 55 new topics that helped the site in traffic growth.

Once the topics were finalised, we sent them to our expert writers - who have credibility in that particular niche to create super helpful content around it. 

We make sure to work only with niche experts and not general writers because that’s the only way to establish EEAT in the eyes of Google. Along with that, because the writers are niche experts, the content quality is high and ticks of all boxes to help it rank and bring in the desired results.

Ultimately, after the content is created, the next step is to publish it on the website periodically in a structured way.

We also vary the types of content from article-style content to blog posts, listicles, guides, affiliate roundup reviews and more. This helps in diversifying the content and also helps with appealing to a larger set of audience.

High Authority Backlinks

Backlinks are still one of the most important Google ranking factors. But in 2023 it’s more important than ever to focus on the QUALITY rather than the quantity of links.

This is where our experienced link building team comes into play. Our link building team worked on building high authority, do-follow links from other Outdoor related websites that are of extremely high quality and receive decent traffic themselves. 

We were very careful in only working with high authority websites, to ensure that the links we built are not just high authority in the eyes of Google, but also have a natural looking backlink profile that does not raise any red flags.

For this site we have acquired over 20 such High DR links that helped us significantly in increasing the authority of the site in SERPs.

Affiliate Commission Negotiation

One of the quickest ways to increase revenue is to negotiate the commission rates from your affiliate partner.

That’s what we did for this site.We were able to increase the commission rates which resulted in an increased revenue for the site. Furthermore, we were also able to get access to exclusive offers to promote!

Technical SEO Audit

We also made sure to run an extensive technical SEO audit on the website after the acquisition. This audit was essential in making sure that the website was well optimised in the eyes of Google.

It is also important to note that after the audit was completed, we had to make several updates to the website - including sitemap optimisation, page speed optimisation, Title tag optimisation and more.

These technical updates are essential in making sure that Google bots crawl the website correctly and are able to index the content properly.

Content Refresh

The final piece to the puzzle is content refresh. Content refresh is important because the website is in a niche that has a high potential for content refresh - meaning that the topics keep changing as new trends emerge and new products are released. 

We optimised a lot of existing content in order to ensure they are up-to-date and provided value to the visitors.

Old content optimisation typically involves determining whether the content needs a rewrite, optimising the article for featured snippets, using on-page optimisation tools like Surfer SEO and building internal links to and from the post. 

Content optimisation is an ongoing process, as it is important to regularly review the content and update it as necessary to maintain and improve organic visibility.


So, this is how through SEO and content marketing, we managed to grow the valuation of this website by over 70% in just under 10 months. At BlackBook Digital, we believe that investing in digital assets can be a lucrative and exciting endeavour, but it can also be daunting and intimidating for many.

That's why we pride ourselves on being a trustworthy and reliable investment operator that can help our clients achieve their financial goals.

As established in this case study, our team is highly skilled in chalking and implementing a variety of SEO strategies to acquire and grow digital assets for our investors. If you're interested in learning more about how BlackBook Digital can help you achieve your financial growth goals through digital asset investments, we encourage you to get in touch with us today.

We would love to discuss your investment objectives! Book your call with our SEO experts now!

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